
General Barcode Generation

A general barcode generation API

Supports 40 types of barcodesCustomizable dimensions

Data & API Features

  • Supports 40 types of barcodes;
  • Supports generating custom barcode sizes;
  • Directly generates a CDN link for the barcode image for easy reference;
  • Full support for HTTPS (TLS v1.0 / v1.1 / v1.2 / v1.3);
  • Fully compatible with Apple ATS;
  • Nationwide CDN deployment;
  • Ultra-fast API response, multiple servers for load balancing.

API Document



HTTP Endpoint:{{appkey}}

Response Type:application/json; charset=utf-8

DEMO Endpoint:

API Request Parameters

NameTypeIs RequiredDefault ValueRemark
typestringtrueYOUR_VALUEBarcode type. Options: UNSPECIFIED | UPCA | UPCE | UPC_SUPPLEMENTAL_2DIGIT | UPC_SUPPLEMENTAL_5DIGIT | EAN13 | EAN8 | Interleaved2of5 | Interleaved2of5_Mod10 | Standard2of5 | Standard2of5_Mod10 | Industrial2of5 | Industrial2of5_Mod10 | CODE39 | CODE39Extended | CODE39_Mod43 | Codabar | PostNet | BOOKLAND | ISBN | JAN13 | MSI_Mod10 | MSI_2Mod10 | MSI_Mod11 | MSI_Mod11_Mod10 | Modified_Plessey | CODE11 | USD8 | UCC12 | UCC13 | LOGMARS | CODE128 | CODE128A | CODE128B | CODE128C | ITF14 | CODE93 | TELEPEN | FIM | PHARMACODE
contentstringtrueYOUR_VALUEBarcode content. Pay attention to length specifications for the chosen barcode type.
widthinttrueYOUR_VALUEBarcode width in pixels
heightinttrueYOUR_VALUEBarcode height in pixels

API Response Parameters

DataStatus.StatusCodeintAPI return status code
DataStatus.StatusDescriptionstringAPI return status description
DataStatus.ResponseDateTimestringThe time the data is returned by the API
DataStatus.DataTotalCountintTotal amount of data under these conditions, generally used for pagination
Data.ContentstringBarcode type:barcode content
Data.UrlstringThe CDN URL path of the generated barcode

API Response Status Codes

Status CodeExplanation of Status CodeRemarks
200API responding normally For business status codes, see below under API Custom Status Codes.
400Parameter error
402APPKEY error Please check if the APPKEY provided is the one obtained from the developer center.
403Account overdue Please pay attention to the E-mail reminders regarding order expiration.
429Request rate limited Requests cannot exceed 5 times per second. The CDN layer intelligently determines based on the frequency of IP requests. General high-frequency requests do not trigger this status code.
500API response error

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